Wake up call – your brand could be dull.
Is it a big deal?
Well, yes. If your offer isn’t enticing, then less people will be interested in what you have to offer.
I often receive marketing from restaurants and caterers, using ‘seasonal ingredients’ as their centre stage attraction. It’s an offer most people couldn’t care less about…
“You must go to this restaurant because they use seasonal ingredients” said no-one, ever.
Is your brand boring?
As a branding exercise in differentiation, we read copy from competitor websites – clients have to guess who it belongs to. We sneak in their own website copy and it’s surprising how many can’t identify it. This shows they are competing in a ‘me-too’ marketplace.
Without a defined personality there’s not much to be said that’s interesting, so companies start looking similar – they copy each others words, images and values.
If your brand is in this place then you need a change, and fast. Time to rethink and start earning attention.
Start Winning attention
Michele Ferrero built internationally recognised confectionary brands. Crawling on the floor around stores to see if children could reach his products, he understood the needs of his audience and created memorable brands.
First you need to understand what you offer that is interesting to your target market. This is where a strong strategy comes into play.
From there you can plan how to win attention and stand out from the rest.