luxury brand marketing: The essential strategy

A solid base is needed for luxury brand marketing


Without the right foundation in place, you’ll be left asking what went wrong with your marketing.
A luxury brand that’s not enticing will always be hard work and investing in promotion won’t reap the rewards expected.

The problem is the conventions of the luxury market

Many luxury brands have an easy to recognise visual language. It’s why we often see the same visual ideas recycled over and over again. It’s formulaic, which is problematic for marketing.

In basic terms, marketing means promoting and selling stuff. That involves persuading people that they need your stuff instead of the competition.

Marketing isn’t easy if you all look similar

With that in mind, paying to look like the others in your field is not a good strategy. It’s the reverse of marketing – you are stripping away the differentiation.

You can’t win attention or create excitement in your brand by looking like the rest.

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Get in touch to discuss your luxury brand marketing


 It starts with winning attention

Differentiation means standing should to shoulder with the competition, and outclassing them. People reach out to you because your offer seems more enticing and interesting.

Our re-branding of a luxury recruitment brand saw their conversion rate rise so dramatically that the first few months beat their entire previous year – all without any extra marketing spend.

Authenticity – an essential part of a luxury brand marketing strategy

Coming across as insincere is to look fake – the biggest faux pas a luxury brand can make.
So the portrayal of a luxury brand must be accurate, as anything else could be hugely detrimental.

That means having an accurate level of awareness and understanding about your offer, why people use you and your position in the marketplace.

It’s all about people

Luxury in itself is short lived and has no intrinsic value. A more human approach is the best way to connect with people. Create an emotional connection to your brand and you’ll be the one they remember in a competitive, noisy world.

Understand the whole customer journey – from a logo to hook people in to a brochure or website which builds interest and creates trust. Flesh out your story and strengthen the bond.

Until you understand how people can connect with your brand and build an identity around that, then you’ll always wonder why your marketing isn’t as effective as it could be.

No brands are the same

Brands aren’t the same as each other, so neither are their brand identities or websites. That’s why you need to talk through your luxury brand marketing needs with a professional agency like us, to understand the best approach for you.

About us

We specialise in winning attention for our clients in the luxury market. We understand how use design to create an emotional connection with people. It’s how we help our clients outsmart the competition.

Our work has been featured by Design Week, Yahoo News!, Gizmodo and Creativepool amongst many others.
You can see more about our work here.

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